This morning the kids and I all got up early and so after getting dressed and breakfast there was an awkward amount of time before we needed to be out at the bus stop. The "big three" decided they wanted to play with their ds games.
Big sister wanted to teach Rowan how to play.
Mommy decided to grab some fancy coffee and read her bible.
When the kids saw me reading they all one by one put their games down and picked up their bibles and started reading.
I think it is so important to always remember that our kids are always watching us.These early years they are so impressionable. They are more likely to do what we do then just what we say. I hope that what happened today starts a tradition of reading our bibles until it is time for me to send my little ones off to school each morning.
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.- NLT
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