Monday, May 19, 2008

So much to say, so little to post.

Well, it has been a month since I last posted. So much has happened since my last blog but it almost seems too much to put into a blog post. I'd say the theme for this past month has been about learning and discerning in relationships.
I lost a friend, gained a few and finally figured out what is really important in my life. All that I want to accomplish day to day is God's work. Everything else can fall away. I want to let God use me in everything that I do each day. I want the light of God to greet others as I walk the path he has laid out for me from dawn till dusk. I don't know what that might look like in your life. In mine, it means loving my children, loving my husband, loving my students, friends and family. That's all. If I focus on those things everything else will be ok. If I want to be joyful I have to be willing to seek out the joy. Today I am praying that God continue to use me and teach me. This month, he has. I praise him and thank him for his mercy and grace. Some big things are coming up this month for me............

May 28th is my Stoney Musical Theatre Recital (saying goodbye to my Seniors is always so hard)
May 31st is the Oxford Relay for Life - GO TEAM LAURA!
June 2nd is the Legally Blonde Premier on MTV - GO LAUREN!
June 14th is my first ever SPA Company Recitals!
End of June is NATIONALS in Florida with my students and family!

I hope whatever the highlights of your month look like that you make God the focus and reason. For his glory.
In his never ending love,