I haven't written a blog in so long. I was getting concerned about a few followers I had reading but...I need to write; it is therapeutic for me. The last month has been amazing to say the least. I had our sweet baby Owen on January 11th. He is such a sweet little soul. We had just started to get into a routine when he started to get sick. I believe Rowan picked something at the doctor at a routine check and passed it to Owen, who got very sick, very fast. It is difficult for me to let myself really think about how sick he actually was. There was a moment when my dear friend came over and we had to talk about forgiveness if we lost him. There was 48 hours that were very, very scary.
I am so, so thankful that he is now home and doing so well. He has grown so much and is already showing his strength. I feel so blessed that he came home with us. I know that not all babies do. An illness like that right when you are born is very serious. We can't express our gratitude for the prayers for his healing. God's love has literally poured over our family. Meals, gifts, cards, prayers and well wishes. It has been honestly amazing. Seth and I have cried with joy over the amazing people God has placed in our lives. We are so humbled by the love. As we start to get back into our routine I can look back and see that we have been carried by this love and support. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
On a trip back to the hospital God spoke to me very clearly. He placed on my heart that the amazing story God has woven for my family isn't mine alone, it is my children's testimony as well. God's plans for Ryan, Orion, Ruby, Rowan and Owen are good ones. One day they all will have a serious, moving testimony of God. The very thought of it brings me to tears. My prayer is that as a family we shower the love we have felt in this time on others. I want my children to choose to be a blessing like so many have chosen to be to us.