Thursday, March 31, 2011

my best friend.

My husband rocks.
He has integrity and perseverance.
His strengths are my weaknesses.
He prays with the children every night and tucks them in when I can't.
He reads to the kids in funny voices and faces that makes them all laugh.
He daily prays and speaks blessings over his family.
He plays board games, wrestles and tickles.
He can get the kids to the next level of Wii and DS games.
He builds forts.
He is a great disciplinarian.
His faith seeps from the depth of his heart.
He shares his faith with others.
He is really, really smart and isn't prideful.
He uses big words.
He makes memories.
He truly tries to understand me and is getting really good at it.
He believes in me.
He loves me as I am.
He laughs and is thankful for us.
He makes me laugh like no one else.
He wants to continue to change and grow and is the first one to say sorry.
He loves to read and is an amazing writer.
He is a wonderful teacher.
He dresses pretty cool.
He can cook and clean.
He can do a mean foot rub.
He knows me and all my weaknesses and isn't fazed by them.
He is my best friend.
I am so blessed. True story.

"The laugh of a baby, the song of a mother, the strength of a father, warmth of loving hearts, lights from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, comradeship; home."

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