Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can I really do all things?

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

It is written on the wall in my kitchen. One of my favorite verses from the bible. One of my "life verses". I say it to myself all the time. When you are a Christian in the midst of a challenge it can become a mantra of faith. When I ran a 5k a few years ago I think I might have said it at least a thousand times. This morning I've been thinking of what it REALLY means. How can I deeply apply it to my life in every doubting moment.

I can do all things even when I think I can't. Heck, even when I "know" I can't. All those things that we see as a mountian we could never climb or get around much less move out of our way. But what does this verse really mean?

It means,

we can even when we feel stupid or unqualified.
we can when we feel scared and ashamed.
we can when we don't feel brave enough.
we can when we feel sick, tired and weak.
we can when we don't think we look the part.
we can when we feel like we have messed everything up.
we can when we don't feel important enough for the task.
we can when we don't feel we have enough talent or skill.
we can when we feel 100 other people would do the job better.
we can when all logical and earthly reasoning would point to failure.

We can do all things because God is. His spirit that dwells within us has a power that can. The greatest strength. The deepest joy. Unending hope. Greatest wisdom. Healing. When we are called to do something that we can't imagine we could possible do we often say "Why me, God?" God's answer to me has always been "Why not you?" The bible is full of men and women that God chose not by list of qualifications but by faithfulness and williness to be used for God's glory and purposes on earth. This verse means that even when we feel the job, task, problem is impossible God sees an oppurtunity to show us all things are possible when we rely on his strength and not our own. His power, wisdom, grace might and mercy.

I've been in a situation recently that requires this strength to do things I can't imagine. I'm trusting God completely. Believing in him, I can.

"God can do anything, you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it... by working within us. His Spirit deeply and gently within us." ~Ephesians 3:20 The Message

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