Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jesus is calling people home.

So much death. I feel like I have seen more people die the last six months then my entire life.

I feel at my core that Jesus is bringing some very special people home to him. It makes me feel so thankful for all the family and friends that I have with me. Love them! Love them like Jesus! Never take a second for granted. Don't let the sunset on your anger. Life is too short. Hug someone today. Never take a day that God gives you and decide that you are not important enough to make a difference in someone's life. You can. You will.

In Memory of Mom Sweetapple who would have been 59 years old today. We miss you every day Mom! Grandma Creech, Grandparents of Emma, Katie, Kate, Devin, Gina, Morgan. Francie's husband father to Kuba and Joslyn, and so many other people special and deeply loved. I pray they are dancing with Jesus.

On a happy note: Here is the newest picture of my family. I hope we will leave a legacy of love and lives lived for Christ. (Yes, that is snow and no we don't have coats on)

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