Saturday, April 9, 2011

Coupons for Dummies.

Well today was the big day. Coupon D Day! Meijer was having the big super Saturday sale and I was ready. I spent about an hour on making my list and getting the coupons I needed ready. I had a plan. Ruby said she would go and help me. Thank goodness that I did bring her because we ended up having two totally full carts and I needed her to help get everything we bought to the car. All in all it was an amazing success. There was VERY limited preparation time on my part. I actually didn't use any newspaper circulars or magazine coupons at all. I just used the deals that savings angel suggested and printable coupons. Let me say that with the tutorial I got from savings angel I felt really prepared. It even says that people will look at you funny (they did) and to tell the cashier that you were using coupons and that you are a newbie. (I did) and she was VERY nice about it. She even said she was "very impressed" with me as a first timer. I am excited to do future trips with the coupons I have coming. Seth commented when I got home that I was "glowing with happiness". It was such a blessing to hunt and gather for my family.

Here is what I did:

1.I joined (I researched over a dozen sites and this one seemed to me to be the most user friendly and the least time consuming.) They do the hard parts of finding the good deals for you. You tell it what store you want to shop at. You then check off all the items your family will use and then it connects sales with the current coupons available. Super EASY! If you are a mama with limited time like me I HIGHLY suggest trying it. They have a discounted trial offer. If you do join please give my number as a referral number. (39162)
2. Savings Angel linked me to a trial discount of the paper that they suggest to use for some of the best deals.
3. I also got a trial of a magazine that is supposed to have really good coupons that they often feature.

In today's trip with little time and only printed coupons and using the suggested items that my family already uses I saved $156.00! That is HUGE! Yearly savings would be OVER $8,000! CRAAAAAZY! Imagine throwing that money away. Think of what you could do with that money??? Try it for me and let me know your success. You can do it if I can! I believe in your ability to thrift!

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