Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nourishing Hope

Three blogs today, gosh I'm on a roll! Actually, it's all because I'm on winter break and I have more then 10 seconds to do anything other then teach or change a diaper. :)

I believe every mom should read this book. It is the most important book I have ever read. I wish I had it five years ago. I am thankful to have it now. It was recommended by Ryan's new doctor and it has BEEN HUGE for us. HUGE! A year ago if someone had posted this or told me about it I would not of thought I needed to read it. Today, because of my life the past 6 months I really feel the urge to educate about toxins, chemicals and pollutants that I feel are changing our children at a rapid rate. 1 in 94 boys! HELLO! This book explains all the different factors and changes we can make to better our lives and the lives of our children. I cannot express to you how important this information is for every parent. You REALLY, REALLY need this book if you know a child with Autism, ADHD, Tourette's, Asperger's etc. Trust me: you know one!
You can only get it here:

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