Marriage is hard. I think it is harder then anything else you can do on earth. Even harder then child birth. Even child birth without drugs. The commands God gives about marriage are a challenge to say the very least. The husband should love his wife and as loves the church!?!?! Make her clean? The wife should both love AND respect her husband. We often just are simply going along doing the thing day to day. Sleeping next to eachother, doing the daily chores, eating a meal. If we are lucky we might get a kiss on the way out the door. Tonight God reminded me what a blessing the man he gave me as a husband is. I believe that God created Steve with me in mind and created me just for him. I know that God teaches me in all things, all relationships. The greatest person he can use is my husband. So often he frustrates the heck out of me. So often I forget that he is more then just the other half of the chores and the other one to pick up the kids from school. Steve is my gift from God. He is someone that can show me how much love God really has for me. Now, its not perfect as we are living here on earth, but it is home. It is safe. It is solid and dependable. It is love. We can have amazing debate and converstation on just about any topic. We laugh together we cry together. How can I so easily forget all these wonderful things that are all packaged in this one great brown man? Tonight we went to a movie. A romantic movie. We got popcorn and he held my hand and all was well with the world. I need to remind him more how wonderful he is. How thankful I am for him. I will be praying tonight that I remember more then I forget. That I listen more then I scold, nag, or yell. That I will be the woman for him that God so carefully designed. Marriage is the hardest thing because it yeilds the most reward. I look at my children and the joy that comes in being Mrs. Sweetapple as an honor and a blessing. Steve told me on our wedding day; Honey it won't be easy, but it will NEVER be boring. Boy he wasn't kidding.
Homework: Go on a date once a week. Even if only for a few hours. DO IT!
May each marriage be a blessing not only to those in it but to all those that it touches.
1 comment:
Hey Josie, this is Pam, McKenna and Leah's mom...and Colin's ;) To tell you the truth I NEVER read blogs...just don't have time. Between being a mom, wife, homeschooling mom (teacher), sister, daughter, friend, you name it - reading blogs (and all those forwards everyone sends) just isn't high on my priority list hee hee. BUT...your's caught my attention. I love what you wrote on marriage - and I couldn't agree with you more, it is hard work, but rewarding, especially when you love your husband (even though, yes, there are days when they can make you so mad!) God has richly blessed our 19 yr. marriage and it's wonderful to have a husband who loves you and loves the Lord! I had to chuckle when I read your line about going on a date once a week....My mom and dad, who have been happily married for over 40 years have had a Friday night date night since I was a little girl - no kidding - and they still do it to this day! So, yes, there is definatley something to be said amidst the chaos of family, church, kids, friends, about taking the time with your spouse and going out! Dan and I try to do something like that, but with his crazy schedule it hasn't been easy. Plus, it also benefits the kids to see that mom and dad are together and that they (you and your husband) were here first - before the kids :) Well, speaking of kids, mine are calling me and I need to feed them some dinner. We will see you in the morning for dance class and we will be there for the parent meeting as well. Sincerely, Pam
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